sábado, 1 de novembro de 2014

Morrigan "Human Form" Halloween Cosplay

Hi Guys!
Long Time no see! S2

Well i just want to share my little shoot as Morrigan Aensland , "Human Form" inspired o/
I pick a white shirt, and use my new light green wig, and bought 60ml blood, and a Vampire's wine Cup in a costume store! And that way i did in one day my costume! I have the red pants to complete the look, but i just wanted to do something with Halloween theme! If you want, its a good tip for the next Halloween \o/ or for a costume party  *_~v

I know a lot of you know that Morrigan is a Succubus not a vampire..bla bla...BUT its my costume, and i wanted to make something more darker, sexy and with blood. Yei for that!
She is dark creature..so probably is not that she isn't linked to blood. So i can use it if i want that is not far away form the concept. Again..people love to complain ^^" I liked it, and a lot of my friends liked it, so im happy *_~

Next time when i do the photoshoot with the complete costume, ill want to use some bats, and a throne maybe ... ahhahahahhahaha

Hope your Halloween party was great!
And i hope you like my photos and my Morrigan (with blood lol)

Love you all!
oh! now the photos :

Happy Halloween ;) Bloody Kisses!

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